Databend Architecture
Databend's high-level architecture is composed of a meta-service layer
, a query layer
, and a storage layer
- Meta-Service Layer
- Query Layer
- Storage Layer
Databend efficiently supports multiple tenants through its meta-service layer, which plays a crucial role in the system:
- Metadata Management: Handles metadata for databases, tables, clusters, transactions, and more.
- Security: Manages user authentication and authorization for a secure environment.
Discover more about the meta-service layer in the meta on GitHub.
The query layer in Databend handles query computations and is composed of multiple clusters, each containing several nodes. Each node, a core unit in the query layer, consists of:
- Planner: Develops execution plans for SQL statements using elements from relational algebra, incorporating operators like Projection, Filter, and Limit.
- Optimizer: A rule-based optimizer applies predefined rules, such as "predicate pushdown" and "pruning of unused columns", for optimal query execution.
- Processors: Constructs a query execution pipeline based on planner instructions, following a Pull&Push approach. Processors are interconnected, forming a pipeline that can be distributed across nodes for enhanced performance.
Discover more about the query layer in the query directory on GitHub.
Databend employs Parquet, an open-source columnar format, and introduces its own table format to boost query performance. Key features include:
Secondary Indexes: Speeds up data location and access across various analysis dimensions.
Complex Data Type Indexes: Aimed at accelerating data processing and analysis for intricate types such as semi-structured data.
Segments: Databend effectively organizes data into segments, enhancing data management and retrieval efficiency.
Clustering: Employs user-defined clustering keys within segments to streamline data scanning.
Discover more about the storage layer in the storage on GitHub.