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Introduced or updated: v1.2.164

Splits a string using a specified delimiter and returns the specified part.

See also: SPLIT


SPLIT_PART('<input_string>', '<delimiter>', '<position>')

The position argument specifies which part to return. It uses a 1-based index but can also accept positive, negative, or zero values:

  • If position is a positive number, it returns the part at the position from the left to the right, or NULL if it doesn't exist.
  • If position is a negative number, it returns the part at the position from the right to the left, or NULL if it doesn't exist.
  • If position is 0, it is treated as 1, effectively returning the first part of the string.

Return Type

String. SPLIT_PART returns NULL when either the input string, the delimiter, or the position is NULL.


-- Use a space as the delimiter
-- SPLIT_PART returns a specific part.
SELECT SPLIT_PART('Databend Cloud', ' ', 1);

split_part('databend cloud', ' ', 1)|
Databend |

-- Use an empty string as the delimiter or a delimiter that does not exist in the input string
-- SPLIT_PART returns the entire input string.
SELECT SPLIT_PART('Databend Cloud', '', 1);

split_part('databend cloud', '', 1)|
Databend Cloud |

SELECT SPLIT_PART('Databend Cloud', ',', 1);

split_part('databend cloud', ',', 1)|
Databend Cloud |

-- Use ' ' (tab) as the delimiter
-- SPLIT_PART returns individual fields.
SELECT SPLIT_PART('2023-10-19 15:30:45 INFO Log message goes here', ' ', 3);

split_part('2023-10-19 15:30:45 info log message goes here', ' ', 3)|
Log message goes here |

-- SPLIT_PART returns an empty string as the specified part does not exist at all.
SELECT SPLIT_PART('2023-10-19 15:30:45 INFO Log message goes here', ' ', 4);

split_part('2023-10-19 15:30:45 info log message goes here', ' ', 4)|
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