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Introduced or updated: v1.2.425

Searches for documents satisfying a specified query expression. Please note that the QUERY function can only be used in a WHERE clause.


Databend's QUERY function is inspired by Elasticsearch's QUERY.


QUERY( '<query_expr>' )

The query expression supports the following syntaxes:

<column>:<keyword>Matches documents where the specified column contains the specified keyword.QUERY('title:power')
<column>:<keyword> AND / OR <keyword>Matches documents where the specified column contains both or either of the specified keywords. In queries with both AND and OR, AND operations are prioritized over OR, meaning that 'a AND b OR c' is read as '(a AND b) OR c'.QUERY('title:power AND art')
<column>:+<keyword> -<keyword>Matches documents where the specified positive keyword exists in the specified column and excludes documents where the specified negative keyword exists.QUERY('title:+the -reading')
<column>:"<phrase>"Matches documents where the specified column contains the exact specified phrase.QUERY('title:"Benefits of Exercise"')
<column>:<keyword>^<boost> <column>:<keyword>^<boost>Matches documents where the specified keyword exists in the specified columns with the specified boosts to increase their relevance in the search. This syntax allows setting different weights for multiple columns to influence the search relevance.QUERY('title:art^5 body:reading^1.2')



CREATE INVERTED INDEX idx ON test(title, body);

('The Importance of Reading', 'Reading is a crucial skill that opens up a world of knowledge and imagination.'),
('The Benefits of Exercise', 'Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.'),
('The Power of Perseverance', 'Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.'),
('The Art of Communication', 'Effective communication is crucial in everyday life.'),
('The Impact of Technology on Society', 'Technology has revolutionized our society in countless ways.');

-- Retrieve documents where the 'title' column contains the keyword 'power'
SELECT * FROM test WHERE QUERY('title:power');

│ title │ body │
│ The Power of Perseverance │ Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

-- Retrieve documents where the 'title' column contains either the keyword 'power' or 'art'
SELECT * FROM test WHERE QUERY('title:power OR art');

│ title │ body │
│ The Power of Perseverance │ Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
│ The Art of Communication │ Effective communication is crucial in everyday life.

-- Retrieve documents where the 'title' column contains the positive keyword 'the' but not 'reading'
SELECT * FROM test WHERE QUERY('title:+the -reading');

│ title │ body │
│ The Benefits of Exercise │ Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
│ The Power of Perseverance │ Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
│ The Art of Communication │ Effective communication is crucial in everyday life.
│ The Impact of Technology on Society │ Technology has revolutionized our society in countless ways.

-- Retrieve documents where the 'title' column contains the exact phrase 'Benefits of Exercise'
SELECT * FROM test WHERE QUERY('title:"Benefits of Exercise"');

│ title │ body │
│ The Benefits of Exercise │ Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

-- Retrieve documents where the 'title' column contains the keyword 'art' with a boost of 5 and the 'body' column contains the keyword 'reading' with a boost of 1.2
SELECT *, score() FROM test WHERE QUERY('title:art^5 body:reading^1.2');

│ title │ body │ score()
│ The Importance of Reading │ Reading is a crucial skill that opens up a world of knowledge and imagination.1.3860708
│ The Art of Communication │ Effective communication is crucial in everyday life.7.1992116
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