Returns the quotient by dividing the first number by the second one, rounding down to the closest smaller integer. Equivalent to the division operator //
See also:
<number1> DIV <number2>
-- Equivalent to the division operator "//"
SELECT 6.1 DIV 2, 6.1//2;
│ (6.1 div 2) │ (6.1 // 2) │
│ 3 │ 3 │
SELECT 6.1 DIV 2, INTDIV(6.1, 2), 6.1 DIV NULL;
│ (6.1 div 2) │ intdiv(6.1, 2) │ (6.1 div null) │
│ 3 │ 3 │ NULL │
-- Error when divided by 0
root@localhost:8000/default> SELECT 6.1 DIV 0;
error: APIError: ResponseError with 1006: divided by zero while evaluating function `div(6.1, 0)`