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The ARRAY_AGG function (also known by its alias LIST) transforms all the values, including NULL, of a specific column in a query result into an array.


ARRAY_AGG(<expr>) [ WITHIN GROUP ( <orderby_clause> ) ]



<expr>Any expression


WITHIN GROUP <orderby_clause>Defines the order of values in ordered set aggregates

Return Type

Returns an Array with elements that are of the same type as the original data.


This example demonstrates how the ARRAY_AGG function can be used to aggregate and present data in a convenient array format:

-- Create a table and insert sample data
CREATE TABLE movie_ratings (
id INT,
movie_title VARCHAR,
user_id INT,
rating INT

INSERT INTO movie_ratings (id, movie_title, user_id, rating)
VALUES (1, 'Inception', 1, 5),
(2, 'Inception', 2, 4),
(3, 'Inception', 3, 5),
(4, 'Interstellar', 1, 4),
(5, 'Interstellar', 2, 3);

-- List all ratings for Inception in an array
SELECT movie_title, ARRAY_AGG(rating) AS ratings
FROM movie_ratings
WHERE movie_title = 'Inception'
GROUP BY movie_title;

| movie_title | ratings |
| Inception | [5, 4, 5] |

-- List all ratings for Inception in an array Using `WITHIN GROUP`
SELECT movie_title, ARRAY_AGG(rating) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY rating DESC ) AS ratings
FROM movie_ratings
WHERE movie_title = 'Inception'
GROUP BY movie_title;

| movie_title | ratings |
| Inception | [5, 5, 4] |
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