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Changes the value of a system setting for the current session. To show all the current settings, use SHOW SETTINGS.

See also:


SET [ SESSION | GLOBAL ] <setting_name> = <new_value>
SESSIONApplies the setting change at the session level. If omitted, it applies to the session level by default.
GLOBALApplies the setting change at the global level, rather than just the current session. For more information about the setting levels, see Setting Levels.


The following example sets the max_memory_usage setting to 4 GB:

SET max_memory_usage = 1024*1024*1024*4;

The following example sets the max_threads setting to 4:

SET max_threads = 4;

The following example sets the max_threads setting to 4 and changes it to be a global-level setting:

SET GLOBAL max_threads = 4;
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