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Platforms & Regions

Databend Cloud is a cloud-native solution that currently supports Amazon S3 in the following regions:

PlatformRegion ID
AWS US East (Ohio)us-east-2
AWS US West (Oregon)us-west-2
AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore)ap-southeast-1
AWS Europe (Frankfurt)eu-central-1

To ensure efficient and stable data synchronization and import, we strongly recommend choosing a cloud service that matches the cloud provider and region you are currently using. This will help effectively avoid potential network delays and data loss risks associated with cross-network data transfers, ensuring the security and smoothness of the data transmission process, while significantly improving the efficiency and stability of data synchronization and import. Databend Cloud plans to expand support for more cloud providers and regions. If your current cloud provider or region is not supported, please click Contact Sales to get in touch with the Databend Cloud team.

When you sign up for a Databend Cloud account, you will need to select a cloud platform and region. Once the account is successfully created, the selected cloud platform and region cannot be changed.