Vector is a high-performance observability data pipeline that puts organizations in control of their observability data. Collect, transform, and route all your logs, metrics, and traces to any vendors you want today and any other vendors you may want tomorrow. Vector enables dramatic cost reduction, novel data enrichment, and data security where you need it, not where is most convenient for your vendors. Open source and up to 10x faster than every alternative.
Vector natively supports delivering data to Databend as a sink, this means that Vector can send data to Databend for storage or further processing. Databend acts as the destination for the data collected and processed by Vector. By configuring Vector to use Databend as a sink, you can seamlessly transfer data from Vector to Databend, enabling efficient data analysis, storage, and retrieval.
Integrating with Vector
To integrate Databend with Vector, start by creating an SQL account in Databend and assigning appropriate permissions. This account will be used for communication and data transfer between Vector and Databend. Then, in the Vector configuration, set up Databend as a Sink.
Step 1: Creating an SQL User in Databend
For instructions on how to create a SQL user in Databend and grant appropriate privileges, see Create User. Here's an example of creating a user named user1 with the password abc123:
GRANT INSERT ON nginx.* TO user1;
Step 2: Configure Databend as a Sink in Vector
In this step, configure Databend as a sink in Vector by specifying the necessary settings such as the input source, compression, database, endpoint, table, and authentication credentials (username and password) for Databend integration. The following is a simple example of configuring Databend as a sink. For a comprehensive list of configuration parameters, refer to the Vector documentation at
type = "databend"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ] # input source
compression = "none"
database = "nginx" #Your database
endpoint = "http://localhost:8000"
table = "mytable" #Your table
strategy = "basic"
user = "user1" #Databend username
password = "abc123" #Databend password
Nginx Access Log Example
Step 1. Deploy Databend
1.1 Install Databend
Follow the Docker and Local Deployments guide to deploy a local Databend, or deploy a warehouse in the Databend Cloud.
1.2 Create a Database and a Table
CREATE TABLE nginx.access_logs (
`timestamp` TIMESTAMP,
`remote_addr` VARCHAR,
`remote_port` INT,
`request_method` VARCHAR,
`request_uri` VARCHAR,
`server_protocol` VARCHAR,
`status` INT,
`bytes_sent` INT,
`http_referrer` VARCHAR,
`http_user_agent` VARCHAR,
`upstream_addr` VARCHAR,
`scheme` VARCHAR,
`gzip_ratio` VARCHAR,
`request_length` INT,
`request_time` FLOAT,
`ssl_protocol` VARCHAR,
`upstream_response_time` VARCHAR
1.3 Create a User for Vector Auth
Create a user:
Grant privileges for the user:
GRANT INSERT ON nginx.* TO user1;
Step 2. Deploy Nginx
2.1 Install Nginx
If you haven't install Nginx, please refer to How to Install Nginx.
2.2 Configure Nginx
user www-data;
worker_processes 4;
pid /var/run/;
events {
worker_connections 768;
http {
# Logging Settings
log_format upstream '$remote_addr "$time_local" $host "$request_method $request_uri $server_protocol" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referrer" "$http_user_agent" $remote_port $upstream_addr $scheme $gzip_ratio $request_length $request_time $ssl_protocol "$upstream_response_time"';
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log upstream;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
This is how the log message looks:
::1 "09/Apr/2022:11:13:39 +0800" localhost "GET /?xx HTTP/1.1" 304 189 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36" 50758 - http - 1202 0.000 - "-"
Use the new nginx.conf
replace your Nginx configuration and restart the Nginx server.
Step 3. Deploy Vector
3.1 Install Vector
You can install Vector with the installation script:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash
3.2 Configure Vector
type = "file"
include = ["/var/log/nginx/access.log"]
file_key = "file"
max_read_bytes = 10240
type = "remap"
inputs = ["nginx_access_log"]
drop_on_error = true
#nginx log_format upstream '$remote_addr "$time_local" $host "$request_method $request_uri $server_protocol" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referrer" "$http_user_agent" $remote_port $upstream_addr $scheme $gzip_ratio $request_length $request_time $ssl_protocol "$upstream_response_time"';
source = """
parsed_log, err = parse_regex(.message, r'^(?P<remote_addr>\\S+) \
\"(?P<time_local>\\S+ \\S+)\" \
(?P<host>\\S+) \
\"(?P<request_method>\\S+) (?P<request_uri>.+) (?P<server_protocol>HTTP/\\S+)\" \
(?P<status>\\d+) \
(?P<bytes_sent>\\d+) \
\"(?P<http_referrer>.*)\" \
\"(?P<http_user_agent>.*)\" \
(?P<remote_port>\\d+) \
(?P<upstream_addr>.+) \
(?P<scheme>\\S+) \
(?P<gzip_ratio>\\S+) \
(?P<request_length>\\d+) \
(?P<request_time>\\S+) \
(?P<ssl_protocol>\\S+) \
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.message), level: "warn")
. = merge(., parsed_log)
.timestamp = parse_timestamp!(.time_local, format: "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")
.timestamp = format_timestamp!(.timestamp, format: "%F %X")
# Convert from string into integer.
.remote_port, err = to_int(.remote_port)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.remote_port), level: "warn")
# Convert from string into integer.
.status, err = to_int(.status)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.status), level: "warn")
# Convert from string into integer.
.bytes_sent, err = to_int(.bytes_sent)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.bytes_sent), level: "warn")
# Convert from string into integer.
.request_length, err = to_int(.request_length)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.request_length), level: "warn")
# Convert from string into float.
.request_time, err = to_float(.request_time)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.request_time), level: "warn")
type = "databend"
inputs = ["nginx_access_log_parser"]
database = "nginx" #Your database
table = "access_logs" #Your table
endpoint = "http://localhost:8000/"
compression = "gzip"
strategy = "basic"
user = "user1" #Databend username
password = "abc123" #Databend password
name = "extract fields from access log"
insert_at = "nginx_access_log_parser"
type = "raw"
value = '::1 "09/Apr/2022:11:13:39 +0800" localhost "GET /?xx HTTP/1.1" 304 189 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36" 50758 - http - 1202 0.000 - "-"'
extract_from = "nginx_access_log_parser"
type = "vrl"
source = """
assert_eq!(.remote_addr, "::1")
assert_eq!(.time_local, "09/Apr/2022:11:13:39 +0800")
assert_eq!(.timestamp, "2022-04-09 03:13:39")
assert_eq!(.request_method, "GET")
assert_eq!(.request_uri, "/?xx")
assert_eq!(.server_protocol, "HTTP/1.1")
assert_eq!(.status, 304)
assert_eq!(.bytes_sent, 189)
assert_eq!(.http_referrer, "-")
assert_eq!(.http_user_agent, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36")
assert_eq!(.remote_port, 50758)
assert_eq!(.upstream_addr, "-")
assert_eq!(.scheme, "http")
assert_eq!(.gzip_ratio, "-")
assert_eq!(.request_length, 1202)
assert_eq!(.request_time, 0.000)
assert_eq!(.ssl_protocol, "-")
assert_eq!(.upstream_response_time, "-")
name = "no event from wrong access log"
no_outputs_from = ["nginx_access_log_parser"]
insert_at = "nginx_access_log_parser"
type = "raw"
value = 'I am not access log'
3.3 Validate Configuration
Check the nginx_access_log_parser
transform works or not:
vector test ./vector.toml
If it works, the output is:
Running tests
test extract fields from access log ... passed
2022-04-09T04:03:09.704557Z WARN transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=nginx_access_log_parser component_type=remap component_name=nginx_access_log_parser}: vrl_stdlib::log: "Unable to parse access log: I am not access log" internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=479
test no event from wrong access log ... passed
3.4 Run Vector
vector -c ./vector.toml
Step 4. Analyze Nginx Log in Databend
4.1 Generate logs
Reload the home page at http://localhost/xx/yy?mm=nn
many times, or using the wrk HTTP benchmarking tool to generate a large amount Nginx logs quickly:
wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost
4.2 Analyze Nginx Access Logs in Databend
- Top 10 Request Status
SELECT count() AS count, status FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY status LIMIT 10;
| count | status |
| 106218701 | 404 |
- Top 10 Request Methods
SELECT count() AS count, request_method FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY request_method LIMIT 10;
| count | request_method |
| 106218701 | GET |
- Top 10 Request IPs
SELECT count(*) AS count, remote_addr AS client FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY client ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;
| count | client |
| 98231357 | |
| 2 | ::1 |
- Top 10 Request Pages
SELECT count(*) AS count, request_uri AS uri FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;
| count | uri |
| 60645174 | /db/abc |
| 41727953 | /a/b/c/d/e/f/d |
| 199852 | /index.html |
| 2 | /xx/yy |
- Top 10 HTTP 404 Pages
SELECT count_if(status=404) AS count, request_uri AS uri FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;
| count | uri |
| 64290894 | /db/abc |
| 41727953 | /a/b/c/d/e/f/d |
| 199852 | /index.html |
| 2 | /xx/yy |
- Top 10 Requests
SELECT count(*) AS count, request_uri AS request FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY request ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;
| count | request |
| 199852 | /index.html HTTP/1.0 |
| 1000 | /db/abc?good=iphone&uuid=9329836906 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=17967444396 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=16399821384 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=17033481055 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=17769945743 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=15414263117 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=18945218607 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=19889051988 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=15249667263 HTTP/1.1 |