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This guideline will introduce how to investigate and manage the compatibility:

  • between databend-query and databend-meta.
  • between different versions of databend-meta.

Compatibility between databend-query and databend-meta

Identifying the versions

  • To find out the build version of databend-query and its compatible databend-meta version:

    databend-query --cmd ver

    # output:
    version: 0.7.61-nightly
    min-compatible-metasrv-version: 0.7.59

    Which means this build of databend-query(0.7.61-nightly) can talk to a databend-meta of at least version 0.7.59, inclusive.

  • To find out the build version of databend-meta and its compatible databend-query version:

    databend-meta --cmd ver

    # output:
    version: 0.7.61-nightly
    min-compatible-client-version: 0.7.57

    Which means this build of databend-meta(0.7.61-nightly) can talk to a databend-query of at least version 0.7.57, inclusive.

Maintaining compatibility

A databend cluster has to be deployed with compatible versions of databend-query and databend-meta. A databend-query and databend-meta are compatible iff the following statements hold:

databend-query.version >= databend-meta.min-compatible-client-version
databend-bend.version >= databend-query.min-compatible-metasrv-version

If incompatible versions are deployed, an error InvalidArgument will occur when databend-query tries to connect to databend-meta, which can be found in databend-query log. Then databend-query will stop working.

Compatibility verification protocol

Compatibility will be checked when a connection is established between meta-client(databend-query) and databend-meta, in a handshake RPC.

The client C(databend-query) and the server S(databend-meta) maintains two semantic-versions:

  • C maintains its own semver(C.ver) and the minimal compatible S semver(C.min_srv_ver).
  • S maintains its own semver(S.ver) and the minimal compatible S semver(S.min_cli_ver).

When handshaking:

  • C sends its ver C.ver to S,
  • When S receives handshake request, S asserts that C.ver >= S.min_cli_ver.
  • Then S replies handshake-reply with its S.ver.
  • When C receives the reply, C asserts that S.ver >= C.min_srv_ver.

Handshake succeeds if both of these two assertions hold.


  • S: (ver=3, min_cli_ver=1) is compatible with C: (ver=3, min_srv_ver=2).
  • S: (ver=4, min_cli_ver=4) is NOT compatible with C: (ver=3, min_srv_ver=2). Because although S.ver(4) >= C.min_srv_ver(3) holds, but C.ver(3) >= S.min_cli_ver(4) does not hold.
C.ver:    1             3      4
C --------+-------------+------+------------>
^ .------' ^
| | |
'-------------. |
| | |
v | |
S ---------------+------+------+------------>
S.ver: 2 3 4

Compatibility status

The following is an illustration of the latest query-meta compatibility:

Meta\Query[0.9.41, 1.1.34)[1.1.34, 1.2.287)[1.2.287, 1.2.361)[1.2.361, +∞)
[0.8.30, 0.8.35)
[0.8.35, 0.9.23)
[0.9.23, 0.9.42)
[0.9.42, 1.1.32)
[1.1.32, 1.2.63)
[1.2.63, 1.2.226)
[1.2.226, 1.2.258)
[1.2.258, +∞)

History versions that are not included in the above chart:

  • Query [0.7.59, 0.8.80) is compatible with Meta [0.8.30, 0.9.23).
  • Query [0.8.80, 0.9.41) is compatible with Meta [0.8.35, 0.9.42).

Compatibility between databend-query

Query versionBackward compatible with
[-∞, 1.2.307)[-∞, 1.2.311)
[1.2.307, 1.2.311)[-∞, 1.2.311)
[1.2.311, +∞)[1.2.307, +∞)

Since 1.2.307, support deseriazlie Role info with pb and json but only support serialize Role info to json.

Since 1.2.311, only support seriazlie Role info to pb.

Prevents the query node that is not successfully upgraded from reading data due to operations on the role during rolling upgrade. You are advised to upgrade to 1.2.307 and then 1.2.311.

For example, Current Version is 1.2.306 upgrade to 1.2.312:

1.2.307 -> 1.2.311 -> 1.2.312

Compatibility between databend-meta

Meta versionBackward compatible with
[0.9.41, 1.2.212)[0.9.41, 1.2.212)
[1.2.212, +∞)[0.9.41, +∞)
  • 1.2.53 Incompatible, rolling upgrade is allowed without snapshot transmitting. Snapshot format changed thus during rolling upgrading, it requires all node data to be up-to-date, ensure there is no need to replicate with snapshot.

  • 1.2.163 Feature: gRPC API: kv_read_v1() is added. For stream reading.

  • 1.2.212 Feature: raft API: install_snapshot_v1(). Compatible with old versions. Rolling upgrade is supported. In this version, databend-meta raft-server introduced a new API install_snapshot_v1(). The raft-client will try to use either this new API or the original install_snapshot().

Compatibility of databend-meta on-disk data

The on-disk data of Databend-meta evolves over time while maintaining backward compatibility.

Identifying the versions

Upon startup, Databend-meta will display the on-disk data version:

For example, running databend-meta --single produces:

Databend Metasrv

Version: v1.1.33-nightly-...
Working DataVersion: V0

On Disk Data:
Dir: ./.databend/meta
Version: version=V0, upgrading=None
  • Working DataVersion denotes the version Databend-meta operates on.
  • On Disk Data -- DataVersion denotes the version of the on-disk data.

The Working DataVersion must be greater than or equal to the on-disk DataVersion; otherwise, it will panic.

The on-disk DataVersion must be compatible with the current Databend-meta version. If not, the system will prompt the user to downgrade Databend-meta and quit with a panic.

Automatic upgrade

When databend-meta starting up, the on-disk is upgraded if it is compatible with the working DataVersion. The upgrade progress will be printed to stderr and to log file at INFO level, e.g.:

Upgrade on-disk data
From: V0(2023-04-21: compatible with openraft v07 and v08, using openraft::compat)
To: V001(2023-05-15: Get rid of compat, use only openraft v08 data types)
Begin upgrading: version: V0, upgrading: V001
Write header: version: V0, upgrading: V001
Upgraded 167 records
Finished upgrading: version: V001, upgrading: None
Write header: version: V001, upgrading: None

If databend-meta crashes before upgrading finishes, it will clear partially upgraded data and resume the upgrade when it starts up again.

Backup data compatibility

  • The exported backup data can only be imported with the same version of databend-metactl.

  • The first line of the backup is the version, e.g.: ["header",{"DataHeader":{"key":"header","value":{"version":"V100","upgrading":null}}}]

  • NO automatic upgrade will be done when importing. Automatic upgrade will only be done when databend-meta is brought up.