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Preparing Storage

This topic explains the recommended storage configurations for deploying Databend in production environments.


When deploying Databend with AWS S3 in production environments, consider the following recommendations:


Block public access to your S3 bucket to prevent unauthorized access to your data. You can configure the following settings to restrict public access:

Go to the AWS Management Console, select the S3 service, enter the bucket name, and click on the Permissions tab. Under the Block public access section, click Edit, then select the Block all public access option and click Save.


Enable server-side encryption on your S3 bucket to protect your data at rest. You can choose from the following encryption options:

  • SSE-S3: Server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys.
  • SSE-KMS: Server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) keys.

Go to the AWS Management Console, select the S3 service, enter the bucket name, and click on the Properties tab. Under the Default encryption section, click Edit, then select the encryption option and click Save.

Bucket Versioning

Enable versioning on your S3 bucket to protect against accidental deletion of objects. Versioning allows you to recover objects from accidental deletion or overwrite.

Go to the AWS Management Console, select the S3 service, enter the bucket name, and click on the Properties tab. Under the Versioning section, click Edit, then select Enable versioning and click Save.

Bucket Lifecycle Policies

Lifecyle rule is needed when Bucket Versioning is enabled. You can configure lifecycle policies to automatically delete old versions of objects or transition objects to different storage classes.

  1. Go to the AWS Management Console, select the S3 service, enter the bucket name, and click on the Management tab. Under the Lifecycle section, click Add lifecycle rule to create a new rule.

  2. Input a rule name, select the object prefix, and configure the rule actions: Permanently delete noncurrent versions of objects.

  3. Input the Days after object become noncurrent: 7 days recommended.

  4. Input the Number of versions to retain: 0 recommended.

  5. Click Create rule to save the lifecycle policy.

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