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Docker & Local Deployments

To quickly access Databend features and gain practical expertise, you have the following deployment options:

non-production use only
  • Object storage is a requirement for production use of Databend. The file system should only be used for evaluation, testing, and non-production scenarios.
  • The MinIO deployment covered in this chapter is only suitable for development and demonstration. Due to the limited resources in a single-machine environment, it is not recommended for production environments or performance testing.

Deploying on Docker

In this guide, you will deploy Databend along with MinIO using Docker for a containerized setup on an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu virtual machine.

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Set up Environment

Before you start, launch an instance on Amazon EC2 and install the Docker engine.

  1. Log into the Amazon EC2 console, and launch an Ubuntu instance with a memory capacity of at least 8 GiB. Once the instance is up, you can find the public IP address and the private IP address assigned to the instance on the instance details page.

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  1. Create a security group, and add an inbound rule to allow access to your instance through port 9001, then add the security group to the instance.

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  1. Connect to your instance. There are many ways to connect to your instance from a local machine. For more information, see

  2. Follow the Docker User Manual to install the Docker engine on your instance.


Deploy MinIO

  1. Pull and run the MinIO image as a container with the following command:
  • We change the console address to 9001 here to avoid port conflicts.
  • The command also sets the root user credentials (ROOTUSER/CHANGEME123) which you will need to provide for authentication in the next steps. If you make changes to the root user credentials at this point, ensure that you maintain consistency throughout the entire process.
mkdir -p ${HOME}/minio/data

docker run -d \
--name minio \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
--net=host \
-v ${HOME}/minio/data:/data \
minio/minio server /data --console-address ":9001"
  1. Run the command docker logs minio to find the MinIO API and console (WebUI) addresses in the log message:
docker logs minio

Formatting 1st pool, 1 set(s), 1 drives per set.
WARNING: Host local has more than 0 drives of set. A host failure will result in data becoming unavailable.
MinIO Object Storage Server
Copyright: 2015-2024 MinIO, Inc.
License: GNU AGPLv3 [](
Version: RELEASE.2024-04-06T05-26-02Z (go1.21.9 linux/amd64)


Status: 1 Online, 0 Offline.
- The standard parity is set to 0. This can lead to data loss.
  1. Open your web browser on your local machine and visit the MinIO console using the WebUI address shown in the logs above (replace the IP address with your instance's public IP address). For example, if your instance's public IP address is, then your MinIO console address would be

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  1. Log into the MinIO console with the credentials ROOTUSER/CHANGEME123, and create a bucket named databend.

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Deploy Databend

  1. Pull and run the Databend image as a container with the following command:
  • Replace the AWS_S3_ENDPOINT value with your MinIO API address as shown in the MinIO log message returned by docker logs minio.
  • When starting the Databend Docker container, you can specify the username and password using the environment variables QUERY_DEFAULT_USER and QUERY_DEFAULT_PASSWORD. If these variables are not provided, a default root user will be created without a password.
  • The command below also creates a SQL user (databend/databend) which you will need to use to connect to Databend later. If you make changes to the SQL user at this point, ensure that you maintain consistency throughout the entire process.
docker run -d \
--name databend \
--net=host \
-v meta_storage_dir:/var/lib/databend/meta \
-v log_dir:/var/log/databend \
-e QUERY_DEFAULT_USER=databend \
-e AWS_S3_BUCKET=databend \
  1. Run the command docker logs databend to check the Databend log message and ensure the Databend container has started successfully:
docker logs databend

==> QUERY_CONFIG_FILE is not set, using default: /etc/databend/query.toml
==> /tmp/std-meta.log <==
<jemalloc>: Number of CPUs detected is not deterministic. Per-CPU arena disabled.
Databend Metasrv

Version: v1.2.410-4b8cd16f0c-simd(1.77.0-nightly-2024-04-08T12:27:32.972822624Z)
Working DataVersion: V002(2023-07-22: Store snapshot in a file)

Raft Feature set:
Server Provide: { append:v0, install_snapshot:v0, install_snapshot:v1, vote:v0 }
Client Require: { append:v0, install_snapshot:v0, vote:v0 }

On Disk Data:
Dir: /var/lib/databend/meta
DataVersion: V001(2023-05-15: Get rid of compat, use only openraft v08 data types)
In-Upgrading: None

File: enabled=true, level=INFO, dir=/var/log/databend, format=json
Stderr: enabled=false(To enable: LOG_STDERR_ON=true or RUST_LOG=info), level=WARN, format=text
OTLP: enabled=false, level=INFO, endpoint=, labels=
Tracing: enabled=false, capture_log_level=INFO, otlp_endpoint=
Id: 0
Raft Cluster Name: foo_cluster
Raft Dir: /var/lib/databend/meta
Raft Status: single

listening at
listening at
advertise: -
Raft API
listening at
advertise: ip-172-31-15-63:28004

Upgrade on-disk data
From: V001(2023-05-15: Get rid of compat, use only openraft v08 data types)
To: V002(2023-07-22: Store snapshot in a file)
Begin upgrading: version: V001, upgrading: V002
Write header: version: V001, upgrading: V002
tree raft_state not found
tree raft_log not found
Found state machine trees: []
Found min state machine id: 18446744073709551615
No state machine tree, skip upgrade
Finished upgrading: version: V002, upgrading: None
Write header: version: V002, upgrading: None
Wait for 180s for active leader...
Leader Id: 0
Metrics: id=0, Leader, term=1, last_log=Some(3), last_applied=Some(1-0-3), membership={log_id:Some(1-0-3), voters:[{0:{EmptyNode}}], learners:[]}

Register this node: {id=0 raft=ip-172-31-15-63:28004 grpc=}

Register-node: Ok

Databend Metasrv started

==> /tmp/std-query.log <==
<jemalloc>: Number of CPUs detected is not deterministic. Per-CPU arena disabled.
Databend Query

Version: v1.2.410-4b8cd16f0c(rust-1.77.0-nightly-2024-04-08T12:20:44.288903419Z)

file: enabled=true, level=INFO, dir=/var/log/databend, format=json
stderr: enabled=false(To enable: LOG_STDERR_ON=true or RUST_LOG=info), level=WARN, format=text
otlp: enabled=false, level=INFO, endpoint=, labels=
query: enabled=false, dir=, otlp_endpoint=, labels=
tracing: enabled=false, capture_log_level=INFO, otlp_endpoint=
Meta: connected to endpoints [
limit: unlimited
allocator: jemalloc
config: percpu_arena:percpu,oversize_threshold:0,background_thread:true,dirty_decay_ms:5000,muzzy_decay_ms:5000
Cluster: standalone
Storage: s3 | bucket=databend,root=,endpoint=
Cache: none
Builtin users: databend

listened at
listened at
connect via: mysql -u${USER} -p${PASSWORD} -h0.0.0.0 -P3307
listened at
usage: echo 'create table test(foo string)' | curl -u${USER} -p${PASSWORD}: '' --data-binary @-
echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | curl -u${USER} -p${PASSWORD}: '' --data-binary @-
Databend HTTP
listened at
usage: curl -u${USER} -p${PASSWORD}: --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"sql": "SELECT avg(number) FROM numbers(100000000)"}'

Connect to Databend

In this step, you'll connect to Databend using BendSQL from your local machine.

  1. Install BendSQL to your local machine. For instructions, see Installing BendSQL.

  2. Launch a terminal on your local machine, then run the command bendsql -h <instance_public_ip> -u databend -p databend to establish a connection with Databend. For example, if your instance's public IP address is, the command would be bendsql -h -u databend -p databend.

bendsql -h -u databend -p databend

Welcome to BendSQL 0.16.0-homebrew.
Connecting to as user databend.
Connected to Databend Query v1.2.410-4b8cd16f0c(rust-1.77.0-nightly-2024-04-08T12:20:44.288903419Z)

You're all set! Now, you can execute a simple query to verify the deployment:

databend@> select now();


2024-04-17 17:53:56.307155
1 row read in 0.178 sec. Processed 1 row, 1 B (5.62 row/s, 5 B/s)

Deploying on Local Machine

Follow the instructions below to deploy Databend on your local machine.


Download Databend

  1. Download the installation package suitable for your platform from the Download page.

  2. Extract the installation package to a local directory.


Start Databend

  1. Configure an admin user. You will utilize this account to connect to Databend. For more information, see Configuring Admin Users. For this example, uncomment the following lines to choose this account:
name = "root"
auth_type = "no_password"
  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where the extracted files and folders are stored.

  2. Run the script in the folder scripts: MacOS might prompt an error saying "databend-meta can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.". To proceed, open System Settings on your Mac, select Privacy & Security on the left menu, and click Open Anyway for databend-meta in the Security section on the right side. Do the same for the error on databend-query.


In case you encounter the subsequent error messages while attempting to start Databend:

==> query.log <==
: No getcpu support: percpu_arena:percpu
: option background_thread currently supports pthread only
Databend Query start failure, cause: Code: 1104, Text = failed to create appender: Os { code: 13, kind: PermissionDenied, message: "Permission denied" }.

Run the following commands and try starting Databend again:

sudo mkdir /var/log/databend
sudo mkdir /var/lib/databend
sudo chown -R $USER /var/log/databend
sudo chown -R $USER /var/lib/databend
  1. Run the following command to verify Databend has started successfully:
ps aux | grep databend

eric 12789 0.0 0.0 408495808 1040 s003 U+ 2:16pm 0:00.00 grep databend
eric 12781 0.0 0.5 408790416 38896 s003 S 2:15pm 0:00.05 bin/databend-query --config-file=configs/databend-query.toml
eric 12776 0.0 0.3 408654368 24848 s003 S 2:15pm 0:00.06 bin/databend-meta --config-file=configs/databend-meta.toml

Connect to Databend

To establish a connection with Databend, you'll use the BendSQL CLI tool in this step. For instructions on how to install and operate BendSQL, see BendSQL.

  1. To establish a connection with a local Databend, execute the following command:
eric@Erics-iMac ~ % bendsql
Welcome to BendSQL 0.13.2-4419bda(2024-02-02T04:21:46.064145000Z).
Connecting to localhost:8000 as user root.
Connected to DatabendQuery v1.2.252-nightly-193ed56304(rust-1.75.0-nightly-2023-12-12T22:07:25.371440000Z)

  1. Query the Databend version to verify the connection:
root@localhost> SELECT VERSION();


│ version()
│ String │
│ DatabendQuery v1.1.75-nightly-59eea5df495245b9475f81a28c7b688f013aac05(rust-1.72.0-nightly-2023-06-28T01:04:32.054683000Z)
1 row in 0.024 sec. Processed 1 rows, 1B (41.85 rows/s, 42B/s)

Next Steps

After deploying Databend, you might need to learn about the following topics: