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Work with Dashboards

Dashboards are employed to present query results through a variety of chart types, including scorecards, pie charts, bar charts, and line charts. These charts are generated from the query results. You have the option to create a chart based on the query result after executing a query in a worksheet. Refreshing a dashboard allows you to re-execute the queries corresponding to the charts, thereby updating the charts with the latest results.

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Creating a Dashboard

In Databend Cloud, you can create multiple dashboards as needed. A dashboard can contain one or multiple charts. Each individual chart corresponds to a specific query result, yet it can be integrated into multiple dashboards.

To create a dashboard:

  1. In a worksheet, run a query for which you intend to generate a chart using the query result.

  2. In the result area, click on the Chart tab.

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  1. On the Chart tab, choose a chart type from the dropdown menu on the right. Next, specify the data and customize the chart's appearance using the options found on the Data and Style tabs below the dropdown list.

Please note that these aggregation functions assist in summarizing and revealing valuable patterns from the raw data in query results. The available functions for aggregation vary based on the distinct data types and the chart types you select.

NoneNo alteration is applied to the data.
CountCalculates the number of records for the field in the query results (except the records containing NULL and '' values).
MinComputes the minimum value within the query results.
MaxComputes the maximum value within the query results.
MedianCalculates the median value within the query results.
SumCalculates the sum of numerical values within the query results.
AverageComputes the average value of numerical data within the query results.
ModeIdentifies the most frequently occurring value within the query results.
  1. Return to the Databend Cloud homepage and select Dashboards in the left navigation menu, then click New Dashboard.

  2. In the new dashboard, click on Add Chart. Drag and drop the chart from the left pane onto the dashboard. If you have multiple charts available in the left pane, feel free to drag as many as you need.


After generating a chart from the query results in a worksheet, please avoid running other queries in the same worksheet, as doing so might result in the chart becoming unavailable on the dashboard.

Tutorial: Dashboarding Covid-19 Data from New York Times

In this tutorial, we'll load, analyze, and create a dashboard for a dataset named "Covid-19 Data from New York Times". The dataset comprises daily updated information on Covid-19 cases, deaths, and other pertinent statistics for the entire United States. It offers a comprehensive view of the pandemic's impact at the national, state, and county levels, providing detailed insights into the Covid-19 situation across various regions throughout the year 2022.

dateThe date of the reported cumulative Covid-19 data.
countyThe name of the county for the data entry.
stateThe name of the state for the data entry.
fipsThe FIPS code associated with the location.
casesThe cumulative number of confirmed Covid-19 cases.
deathsThe cumulative number of deaths due to Covid-19.

Step 1: Preparing Data

The dataset "Covid-19 Data from New York Times" is a built-in sample dataset that you can load with just a few clicks. The target table is created automatically, so you don't need to create it in advance.


Loading Dataset

  1. In Databend Cloud, click the Load Data button on the Overview page.
  2. On the page that opens, choose the A new table radio button, and then select Covid-19 Data from New York Times.CSV from the Load sample data dropdown menu:

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  1. On the next page, select a database and set a name for the target table to be created.

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  1. Click Confirm. Databend Cloud begins creating the target table and loading the dataset. This process may take a few seconds.

Handling NULLs

Before the analytics work, it is recommended to check for NULL and duplicate values in the table, as they may impact the results.

  1. Create a worksheet and check the existence of NULLs in the table with the following SQL statement:
FROM covid_19_us_2022_3812
WHERE date IS NULL OR country IS NULL OR state IS NULL OR flip IS NULL OR cases IS NULL OR deaths IS NULL;

This SQL statement returns 41571, indicating the number of rows that contain at least one NULL value.

  1. Remove the rows that contain at least one NULL value from the table:
DELETE FROM covid_19_us_2022_3812
WHERE date IS NULL OR country IS NULL OR state IS NULL OR flip IS NULL OR cases IS NULL OR deaths IS NULL;

Handling Duplicates

  1. In the same worksheet, check for duplicate values in the table with the following SQL statement:
SELECT date, country, state, flip, cases, deaths, COUNT(*)
FROM covid_19_us_2022_3812
GROUP BY date, country, state, flip, cases, deaths

This SQL statement returns 0, indicating there are no duplicate rows in the table, and the data is now ready for analytics.

Step 2: Creating Charts with Query Results

In this step, we'll run four queries to extract insights from the data and visualize the results through a scorecard, pie chart, bar chart, and line chart. Please create a separate worksheet for each query.


US Total Deaths in 2022

  1. Run the following SQL statement in a worksheet:
-- Calculate the total number of deaths in the US on December 31, 2022
SELECT SUM(deaths)
FROM covid_19_us_2022_3812
WHERE date = '2022-12-31';
  1. Create a scorecard within the worksheet using the query result:

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Total Deaths by State in 2022

  1. Run the following SQL statement in a worksheet:
-- Calculate the total number of deaths by state on December 31, 2022
SELECT state, SUM(deaths)
FROM covid_19_us_2022_3812
WHERE date = '2022-12-31'
GROUP BY state;
  1. Create a pie chart within the worksheet using the query result:

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Cases & Deaths in Virgin Islands

  1. Run the following SQL statement in a worksheet:
-- Retrieve all data for the state of Virgin Islands on December 31, 2022
SELECT * FROM covid_19_us_2022_3812
WHERE date = '2022-12-31' AND state = 'Virgin Islands';
  1. Create a bar chart within the worksheet using the query result:

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Cumulative Cases & Deaths per Month in St. John

  1. Run the following SQL statement in a worksheet:
-- Retrieve data for St. John at the end of each month
SELECT * FROM covid_19_us_2022_3812
(date = '2022-01-31'
OR date = '2022-02-28'
OR date = '2022-03-31'
OR date = '2022-04-30'
OR date = '2022-05-31'
OR date = '2022-06-30'
OR date = '2022-07-31'
OR date = '2022-08-31'
OR date = '2022-09-30'
OR date = '2022-10-31'
OR date = '2022-11-30'
OR date = '2022-12-31')
AND country = 'St. John' ORDER BY date;
  1. Create a line chart within the worksheet using the query result:

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Step 3: Adding Charts to Dashboard

  1. In Databend Cloud, create a dashboard on Dashboards > New Dashboard, then click Add Chart on the dashboard.

  2. Drag and drop the charts from the left onto the dashboard. You can resize or reposition a chart as needed.

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